Fire doorset replacement programme in London Borough of Southwark

Our beautiful cost-effective internal flat entrance doorset from our Safer Homes Range takes centre stage in this installation project in Southwark.Gerda Security Products have an extensive range of Gerda Security Products owned primary tested doorsets we are able to offer a range of solutions for the built environment, whether this is a particular configuration or […]

18/07/2024< Back

Our beautiful cost-effective internal flat entrance doorset from our Safer Homes Range takes centre stage in this installation project in Southwark.
Gerda Security Products have an extensive range of Gerda Security Products owned primary tested doorsets we are able to offer a range of solutions for the built environment, whether this is a particular configuration or solution for ease of access, a heritage requirement or a particular style for the internal or external environment.

Only the highest specification, fully certified, compliant doorsets designed for optimum performance. Thanks to the large investment into our manufacturing sites, we are now offering excellent lead times and cost efficiencies.

With thanks to SER Contractor Ltd for these images.

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